Lonely, but the most free

I’m sitting on a bus about to take the 40-50 min ride back to the town I called home. 

Over the last couple months I have paid a price for my genuine feel of freedom. 

I’ve lost for now, my mum and possibly my sister. If already lost my father to his own selfish creed and incapable nature of not being able to take a leap of responsibility. 

So for now I am an orphan, that is my price. At first I was scared and alone, but even though my family put him through hell, my boyfriend stuck by, he kept me sane and actually out of my own minds destructive thoughts. He will never know how much he saved me. 
So right now I’m enjoying a lovely day, blue sky’s and I’m off work, taking this moment to appreciate that my life has actually started now.  I’ll soon be starting a new job with far bigger prospects, where I’ll get more money that will allow me to save for a life with the guy I love so much. Who has let me get back to the creative person I am, painting, reading and writing. 

Sometimes you have to wipe the canvas clean, to end up with a better picture 

Here are a few picture I took in Amsterdam, back of the bathroom door….